Thursday, June 19, 2014

See you in September....

"Do you care to be the layer of the bricks that seal your fate?
Or would you rather be the architect of what we might create?"
- "Architects" by Rise Against

These song lyrics means a lot to me right about now. In my second post on this blog (which was over a year ago) I referenced them in the context of how the year didn't turn out like I had originally planned. This time around it's a little different. I've been teaching for 6 years now and for the first time in forever (yes, that's a Frozen reference) I am excited about what I will be doing in September.

This fall, I will be moving to a new school for the first time in 5 years - Hill Freedman World Academy. I'm joining an grades 6-9 IB school that is expanding to 6-12 over the next 3 years. I'm looking forward to being a part of the team that completes the expansion and make big things happen. This summer I'm going to start getting ready for a new challenge and hopefully that will lead to some blog posts. If not, I'll (hopefully) be back in the fall with some great stories and ideas.

Have a Great Summer!!!